September, Friday 20, 2024

Israel's Attack on al-Shifa Hospital: What Information Do We Have?


The Israeli military has launched a targeted operation against Hamas at Gaza's main hospital, al-Shifa. Troops entered the hospital overnight and began interrogating people, sparking concerns for the safety of patients and staff. The World Health Organization expressed extreme worry for those inside the hospital, as they had lost contact with them. An eyewitness reported that Israeli soldiers had complete control over the hospital and were conducting searches room by room. The IDF stated that the operation was based on intelligence information and called for Hamas terrorists to surrender. The raid came after the US publicly backed Israel's claims that Hamas has infrastructure beneath al-Shifa hospital. However, a doctor at the hospital insisted that there were only civilians present and denied the presence of Hamas or any weapons. The situation inside the hospital has been dire, with a lack of resources and facilities, leading to the deaths of premature babies and patients not receiving necessary care. The ICRC expressed deep concern for the impact on patients, medical staff, and civilians.