September, Friday 20, 2024

Bowen warns that the clock is ticking on war as Al-Shifa Hospital faces a raid.


Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City has become a symbol of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. The hospital, seen as a safe area, has been crowded with people seeking shelter from the Israeli invasion. However, amidst the urgent humanitarian crisis inside the hospital, there have been claims that premature babies had to be taken out of their incubators due to a lack of fuel. Israel argues that they have brought in fuel and incubators, but the real issue is the lack of fuel, which they have been reluctant to allow into the Gaza Strip out of fear that Hamas would misuse it. Despite the recent entry of 25,000 liters of fuel, it is only for UN lorries, and the fuel needed to run generators at hospitals and sanitation facilities remains banned. This situation at Al-Shifa Hospital highlights the complex strands of the ongoing war in Gaza. Meanwhile, there has been an international shift in tone towards Israel's offensive, with countries like the US, UK, and France expressing concern over the civilian casualties. Israel is aware of this shift and typically operates under different clocks - one military, to achieve its objectives, and the other diplomatic, to maintain legitimacy. However, due to the high number of casualties in the recent Hamas attacks, Israel believes it has more time to continue its military operation. Nevertheless, there are signs that allies are growing impatient and urging a change in Israel's approach. While there hasn't been a call for a ceasefire from the British or the Americans yet, pressure is mounting.