September, Thursday 19, 2024

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo sets her focus on SUVs following the prohibition of e-scooter rentals


Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, fresh off her victory in banning rental electric scooters, has set her sights on SUVs. She plans to hold a city referendum in February to determine whether parking fees for SUVs should be increased. Hidalgo is confident that she will secure another easy victory, as the previous referendum on e-scooters had low turnout and was largely driven by those who strongly disliked the scooters. The higher parking fees will mainly affect suburban residents who drive SUVs into Paris for work or leisure, as SUV ownership within the city is relatively low. Critics, however, suspect that Hidalgo's timing of this referendum is an attempt to divert attention from her own controversial trip to New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Members of the opposition council have questioned the appropriateness and environmental impact of her travels, especially during a time of international conflict. The mayor's office has defended the trip, stating that extending official visits for personal reasons is a common practice and that Hidalgo covered the costs for the personal portion of the journey. The trip was intended to pay respects at a cemetery in New Caledonia and to hold meetings with local officials in French Polynesia, but the planned visit to the Paris Olympics' surf spot, Teahupo'o, was cancelled due to environmental concerns. The opposition has criticized Hidalgo for the perceived hypocrisy of criticizing car usage while undertaking a lengthy air travel for non-essential reasons.