September, Friday 20, 2024

Lack of Life Jackets Provided to Schoolchildren in Vadodara Boat Accident in India


The parents of students involved in a boat accident in Gujarat, India, have accused the school of not providing life jackets. At least 12 pupils and two teachers drowned in the incident, which took place on Thursday in Harni Lake in Vadodara city. Two people have been arrested in connection with the incident, and search operations are ongoing to find the remaining victims. Eighteen students and two teachers have been rescued so far and are receiving treatment at a nearby hospital. Witnesses claim that the boat was carrying more passengers than its capacity. Many parents have criticized the authorities for failing to prioritize safety. Some parents alleged that they were not informed about the boat ride. The incident has raised concerns about negligence by Gujarat authorities, with similar incidents occurring frequently in the state. The Gujarat government has ordered an inquiry into the incident. Boat accidents are common in India due to overcrowding and lack of safety measures. Last year, 22 people died in a similar incident in Kerala.