September, Thursday 19, 2024

Rishi Sunak shifts attention towards international affairs, despite initial hesitance


Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, has surprised many with his recent assertiveness on the global stage, despite his lack of foreign affairs experience when he took office. He has taken actions such as joining the US-led air strikes against the Houthis in Yemen, leading the pro-Ukraine alliance, and signing a new security pact with Kyiv. These moves demonstrate a shift from his initial focus on domestic issues, showing his transformation from a reluctant statesman to an engaged international actor. Previously, his foreign policy was mainly centered around supporting Ukraine and addressing migration concerns. However, recent events and global complexities have forced him to pay more attention to foreign affairs. Sunak's approach to Ukraine differs from his predecessor Boris Johnson, as he takes a more rational and pragmatic stance. His advisors argue that when Sunak delves into foreign policy details, he can be as hawkish as Johnson, if not more so. He has shown a higher risk appetite, exemplified by his support for providing Ukraine with tanks and long-range missiles. Additionally, Sunak has been willing to take unilateral action in the Red Sea by deploying RAF warplanes when European allies hesitated. However, despite his increased international involvement, Sunak's domestic instincts still influence his decision-making. For instance, he may have considered a multi-year package of military support for Ukraine, but Treasury rules led him to opt for a one-year commitment. Over time, as prime ministers inevitably become more involved in foreign affairs, Sunak has found it challenging to balance global responsibilities with domestic priorities. Nonetheless, his recent visit to Ukraine, where he was warmly received and applauded, suggests that he is actively engaged in the international arena. Sunak's foreign policy decisions will continue to have important implications until the next election, where it remains uncertain if he will remain in office.