September, Friday 20, 2024

Concerns raised over Kashmir's uncommon winter with no snow


The absence of snowfall in the picturesque town of Gulmarg in Indian-administered Kashmir has had a devastating impact on the region's tourism industry. Normally, thousands of tourists visit the area in winter for skiing and sightseeing, but this year, the snow-clad mountains are unusually barren. As a result, hotel reservations have been cancelled, and the number of tourists has reduced by more than half compared to last year. The decline in tourism is not only hurting local businesses but also affecting the economy as a whole, as the tourism sector accounts for about 7% of Jammu and Kashmir's GDP. Experts believe that climate change is playing a role in the lack of snowfall, causing extreme weather events and prolonged dry spells. The warmer weather and decline in snowfall also have broader consequences, such as impacting hydroelectricity generation, farming, and water supply. This devastating situation has left many locals, such as pony riders and ski instructors, without a source of livelihood, as their jobs depend on snow. The neighboring territory of Ladakh is also experiencing a snowless winter, exacerbating concerns about water supply in the region. Some experts have noted that snowfall in the area has been declining for the past few years, and they attribute this to climate change. They predict that if the current trend continues, the region could experience a rise in temperature by 3.98-6.93C by the end of the century. Despite bleak conditions, locals are hopeful for a miracle and are relying on nature to bring them some much-needed snowfall.