September, Friday 20, 2024

Approval of $250 million military aid to Ukraine granted by the United States


The White House has approved an additional $250 million worth of military aid to Ukraine, including air defense, artillery, small arms ammunition, and anti-tank weapons. However, this package is the last funding available without fresh approval from Congress, where discussions have hit a standstill. Ukraine has expressed concerns that without further Western aid, its war efforts and public finances will be at risk. Ukrainian officials are now facing the possibility of a slowdown in aid from allies in Washington and Europe, as Republicans in Congress insist on including stricter security measures on the US-Mexico border in any military aid deal. Proposed emergency spending measures for Ukraine and Israel were recently defeated in the Senate, with every Republican voting against it. The announcement made on Wednesday states that the weapons will be taken from existing Pentagon stocks and does not require Congressional approval. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken emphasized the importance of Congress acting swiftly to support Ukraine's defense and secure its future. The EU aid package for Ukraine was also blocked by Hungary earlier this month. Ukraine is currently facing a $43 billion budget deficit, and if further military aid from the West does not arrive soon, the government may have to delay salaries and pensions for employees. Talks are progressing on a smaller aid package that does not need Hungary's approval and could be addressed in early February. Despite the decrease in funding from Western allies, Russian forces have continued to fight in eastern Ukraine and recently captured the strategically important town of Mariinka.