September, Friday 20, 2024

China intensifies its efforts to influence Taiwan's election


In Taiwan, tensions with China are escalating as Beijing ramps up its pressure ahead of the upcoming presidential race. Chinese ships and aircraft are constantly present just outside Taiwan's territorial limit, crossing the median line that divides the strait between the two nations. This "grey zone warfare" aims to subdue Taiwan without fighting, conveying the message that Taiwan is part of China and discouraging support for Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). China's main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), also warns that a vote for the DPP's candidate, William Lai, is a vote for war. However, DPP supporters remain adamant about Taiwan's sovereignty and are not afraid of China's threats. In addition to the geopolitical tensions, rising costs, unaffordable housing, and shrinking opportunities have also driven dissatisfaction among Taiwanese voters, leading some to support populist candidates who seek better ties with Beijing. Taiwan's air force is under increasing strain due to constant Chinese pressure. The aging Mirage 2000 fighter jets are being worn down, and the cost of maintaining them is becoming prohibitive. While the DPP is expected to secure a victory in the upcoming presidential election, China continues its propaganda efforts to target voters who won't vote for the DPP, particularly the older generation with family ties to mainland China. The key to China's success lies in winning over young voters who are dissatisfied with the traditional parties, using platforms like TikTok and YouTube to attract their interest. China's grand strategy is to eventually persuade Taiwan to sign a peace agreement without resorting to military conflict.