September, Thursday 19, 2024

6-year-old boy travels alone on the wrong US flight


A six-year-old boy named Casper was mistakenly flown to the wrong city by Spirit Airlines. He was supposed to travel from Philadelphia to Fort Myers, Florida, to meet his grandmother. However, he ended up in Orlando, which is four hours away from his intended destination. Spirit Airlines has taken responsibility for the mistake and apologized to the family. They have also offered to reimburse Casper's grandmother for her drive to pick him up. The incident has drawn comparisons to the movie Home Alone 2, where a child gets on the wrong flight and is separated from his family. Casper was able to contact his grandmother after arriving in Orlando, and she promptly made the journey to retrieve him. She has expressed her confusion and concern about how this mix-up occurred. Spirit Airlines has acknowledged the error and assured that they are conducting an internal investigation. While such incidents are rare, there have been other cases of unaccompanied minors and passengers being placed on incorrect flights in the past.