September, Friday 20, 2024

Hanif Kureishi: My Unexpected Journey as an Unwilling Ruler


Novelist Hanif Kureishi suffered life-changing injuries when he collapsed and landed on his head on Boxing Day last year. He is now paralyzed and relies on a blog to share his experience with his readers. Kureishi believes his sense of purpose comes from his connection with his responsive audience. A year after the accident, he spoke on BBC Radio 4's Today program as a guest editor, discussing how the accident profoundly affected his life. Initially, he thought he was going to die and felt frustrated that he would die in such a silly way. He also had a list of things he still wanted to do and wasn't ready to die yet. Kureishi recalls the moments after the accident, where he was lying in a pool of blood. He considered FaceTiming some friends to say goodbye, but his partner advised against it. Despite having an infection, Kureishi's collapse was unexpected. He empathizes with others who have experienced sudden accidents and feel outraged by their fate. He also noted that feeling like they have been chosen at random and punished in a Kafkaesque manner is common for them. The accident has changed Kureishi's perspective, making him see the world in a darker light. He now looks at healthy and happy people with a sense of cynicism, knowing that they are unaware of what may come their way. He feels closer to reality but has lost his sense of humor and innocence. Over the past year, Kureishi has been treated in multiple hospitals and his paralysis has transformed his relationships. He has had to learn to make demands and has seen who is devoted and who is indifferent to his situation. Interestingly, Kureishi mentions that becoming disabled has given him a strange power. People are drawn to him because of his illness, and they wonder if it might happen to them. He acknowledges the impact his disability has on others and finds it moving and life-changing for them as well. Despite his physical limitations, Kureishi continues to write through dictation. He relies on his son to write down his thoughts and then they revise and improve it together. He now publishes his thoughts weekly on his blog, which has provided him strength and a sense of purpose. Kureishi believes in the collaboration between writer and reader, as it is the reader who brings meaning to the work. Kureishi is now back home, but he knows that his return will be different. He will have to adjust to his new life as a disabled person, with new relationships and dependencies on others. However, he also wants to identify with others who have gone through similar experiences. His accident has made him realize that everyone experiences illness, death, or disability in some way, and by sharing his story, he can connect with a wider audience.