September, Friday 20, 2024

Daughter of TB Joshua endures torment for defying her father


The late megachurch leader TB Joshua, who has been accused of committing sexual crimes on a large scale, has been revealed by the BBC to have locked up and tortured his own daughter before leaving her homeless on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria. Ajoke, one of the pastor's daughters and the first person to blow the whistle on the abuse at her father's church, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), spoke to the BBC about the horrific abuse she witnessed. TB Joshua, who died in 2021, has been accused of widespread abuse and torture spanning almost 20 years. Ajoke, now 27, lives in hiding and has changed her name. She was raised by Evelyn, TB Joshua's widow, from a young age. Ajoke had a happy childhood until everything changed when she was suspended from school and labeled as the illegitimate child of TB Joshua by a journalist. She was then taken to the SCOAN compound in Lagos and forced to become a disciple. The disciples were a strict group of followers who lived with TB Joshua and followed his rules. Ajoke experienced physical and emotional abuse from the beginning, including being beaten and forced to wear a sign around her neck. The abuse escalated when she was 17 and confronted her father about the sexual abuse happening within the church. More than 25 former disciples gave testimonies to the BBC, corroborating the claims of sexual abuse. Ajoke was eventually kicked out of the church and left homeless. After contacting the BBC in 2019, she has recently been able to get off the streets with the help of former disciples and friends. Despite her struggles, Ajoke remains determined to speak the truth about her father and hopes to one day finish her education. The BBC investigation into the abuse at SCOAN was conducted by a team of journalists.