September, Thursday 19, 2024

Comedian Russell Brand faces accusations of sexual assault on film set, claims Extra staff member


Russell Brand is facing accusations of sexual assault in a civil lawsuit filed in the US. The incident is said to have occurred during the filming of the movie Arthur in July 2010. According to the lawsuit, Brand allegedly exposed himself to an unidentified woman working as an extra, then followed her into a bathroom where he sexually assaulted her. Reports in the British media also claim that Brand is being accused of rape, sexual assaults, and emotional abuse. However, Brand denies all allegations, stating that his relationships were always consensual. British authorities have confirmed that they are investigating several claims made against Brand. Nevertheless, the lawsuit filed with the New York State Supreme Court marks the first time these accusations have been presented in court. The woman, who remains anonymous and is referred to as Jane Doe in the court documents, stated in an affidavit that Brand appeared intoxicated and smelled of alcohol while on set. The papers also allege that Brand exposed himself in front of the cast and crew. Later that day, Brand allegedly assaulted Jane Doe in a bathroom while a member of the production crew guarded the door from the outside. In addition to Brand, film studio Warner Bros Pictures and other companies involved in the production have been named as defendants in the lawsuit. The woman claims that the alleged abuse has caused her extreme embarrassment, shame, fear, and difficulty in trusting others. She also expressed concerns over being named in relation to the case, as she is still working as an actor and fears potential blacklisting in the industry. The woman is seeking unspecified damages from Brand. The lawsuit has been filed under the Adult Survivor's Act, which allows victims of sexual offenses, where the statute of limitations has expired, to file civil suits for one year. This period in New York runs from November 24, 2022, to November 24, 2023. These allegations against Brand were initially disclosed in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, Times, and Channel 4's Dispatches. The investigation revealed claims from four women who stated that Brand had sexually assaulted them in the UK and Los Angeles between 2006 and 2013, during his tenure at BBC Radio 2, Channel 4, and as a Hollywood actor. Following these reports, the Metropolitan Police launched an investigation into the allegations of sexual offenses, while Thames Valley Police is looking into reports of harassment and stalking. The day before the media investigation was published, Brand released a video on social media denying the upcoming serious criminal allegations. He stated that his relationships were always consensual.