September, Friday 20, 2024

Opposition Seeks Power in Poland's Election as Tusk's Party Holds Key Vote


The opposition parties in Poland have reportedly secured enough votes in the general election to remove the ruling Law and Justice party from power. With nearly all votes counted, the Law and Justice party had received 35.64% of the vote, while the liberal Civic Coalition party, led by Donald Tusk, garnered 30.48%. However, it is now highly likely that Tusk will be able to form a broad coalition with other parties, putting an end to the eight-year rule of Law and Justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski. The final results will be announced on Tuesday. The winning party is expected to be given the opportunity to form a government, but it is clear that the Law and Justice party will not have enough seats to secure a majority in parliament. According to an exit poll, a coalition between the Law and Justice party and the far-right Confederation would fall short of the required number of seats. With the expected coalition between the Civic Coalition, the centre-right Third Way, and the New Left, they would easily obtain a majority in parliament. Poland's stock market and currency also experienced an increase due to the anticipation of a new government. During his victory speech, Tusk declared that the PiS government had come to an end, and that Poland and democracy had emerged victorious. International observers noted that while parties were able to campaign freely before the election, the Law and Justice party had an advantage due to biased state media coverage and possible misuse of public funds. Tusk has pledged to improve relations with the EU and unlock frozen EU Covid recovery funds, as well as liberalize abortion laws. Despite some recent wavering from the Law and Justice party, they are still expected to maintain Poland's support for Ukraine and its stance on refugees. The formation of a new government may not occur until December, according to President Andrzej Duda, who stated that the winning party would be granted the first opportunity to form a coalition in line with Polish tradition.