September, Friday 20, 2024

French hotel spends €1,500 eliminating bedbug infestation


The rise in reported bedbug outbreaks in France and the UK has led hotels and other businesses to seek solutions to catch these pests early. Pest control companies have seen a significant increase in bedbug cases, and local governments are facing inquiries about the issue. To combat the problem, businesses are turning to technology, both old and new. A UK start-up called Spotta has developed a monitoring technology that uses small plastic boxes containing a pheromone chemical to attract bedbugs. If a bug enters the box, a camera takes a picture and sends it to a central database for confirmation. The system then alerts relevant managers via mobile phone. Finland's Valpas offers a digitally-connected bug trap integrated into custom bed legs, which sends a signal over the internet to alert hotel owners. Another effective method is using sniffer dogs trained to detect bedbugs, although this option is limited by the dogs' availability. Despite bedbug numbers rising in recent years, experts believe the panic may be slightly exaggerated, and the risk for travelers encountering bedbugs remains low. However, outbreaks can be damaging to a hotel's reputation and revenue, making investment in bedbug detection systems crucial.