September, Friday 20, 2024

China's Bold Move: Assessing the Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Global Transformation


China is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with a high-level summit, but the ambitious project hasn't gone entirely as planned. The BRI, a signature policy of President Xi Jinping, aimed to connect China with the world through investments and infrastructure projects. China has invested nearly $1tn in energy and transport projects across 150 countries. While it has achieved some goals, such as expanding trade and diversifying resources, it has also faced challenges such as mounting debt and accusations of "debt trap diplomacy." Despite criticism, China has extended its influence and gained favorable attitudes from many middle-income countries. However, concerns about economic coercion and diplomatic isolation of Taiwan persist. China is now focusing on smaller, sustainable projects and has announced a new "digital silk road" to promote digital infrastructure. The future of the BRI and China's global influence remains uncertain.