September, Friday 20, 2024

Hunter Biden's Alleged Tax Indictment: Accusations of Substance Abuse, Engaging with Escorts, and Romantic Relationships


Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, is facing a nine-count criminal indictment for alleged tax evasion. The charges accuse him of evading $1.4 million in taxes from 2016-2019 and funding an extravagant lifestyle. Many of the alleged illicit activities took place while his father was the US vice-president. However, President Biden himself is not accused of any wrongdoing. Hunter Biden, a Yale-educated lawyer, could face up to 17 years in prison if convicted. He was also previously indicted on gun charges in September. The indictment outlines how Hunter Biden received a substantial income of over $7 million between 2016-2020. He received most of these payments through his business accounts and a company in which he owned a 75% stake. The indictment also highlights his involvement with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy and Ukrainian private energy company Burisma Holdings Limited. According to the charges, Hunter Biden allegedly spent his money on drugs, escorts, luxury hotels, and other personal items, instead of paying his taxes. The indictment provides detailed information on his extravagant spending, including payments to various women, adult entertainment, clothing, and health and beauty expenses. It also reveals his use of luxury hotels for parties and encounters with girlfriends. In order to avoid higher tax payments, Hunter Biden claimed multiple personal expenses as business deductions. He deducted academic tutoring, payments to escorts and dancers, and even hired women with whom he had romantic or sexual relationships as employees. The indictment suggests that he falsely claimed extensive business travel in 2018 to cover up his drug use during that time. The allegations made in the indictment align with the information shared by Hunter Biden in his memoir, "Beautiful Things." The book describes his drug and alcohol binges and mentions the same luxury hotels where he stayed during those periods. Prosecutors argue that if the accountants had known about his drug use, they would have scrutinized his business expense claims more closely. Overall, the indictment presents detailed evidence of Hunter Biden's alleged tax evasion and extravagant lifestyle, while emphasizing that President Biden is not involved in any wrongdoing.