September, Friday 20, 2024

Trump’s Fourth Lawyer, Jenna Ellis, Admits Guilt in Georgia Sedition Case


A third former lawyer to Donald Trump has pleaded guilty in an election subversion case in Georgia. Jenna Ellis is the fourth out of 19 defendants to plead guilty in a deal with prosecutors. She is accused of drafting a letter claiming that Georgia's election results were illegitimate. Ellis pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting false statements and writings, and agreed to face five years of probation, pay a fine of $5,000, and perform 100 hours of community service. She also implicated Rudy Giuliani in her plea deal. Ellis apologized to Georgia and will testify in related proceedings. The Colorado Bar Association censured Ellis in March for making "reckless, knowing, or intentional misrepresentations" as Trump's attorney. She accused more experienced lawyers of misleading her and failing to provide sufficient information about the case. Ellis's plea deal follows guilty pleas from two other ex-Trump lawyers and a bail bondsman. She did not receive financial assistance from Trump or his supporters, despite her loyalty. Ellis has withdrawn her support for Trump and stated that she cannot support him for elected office again. These early guilty pleas may be a concerning development for Trump as potential witnesses against him increase. Trump's lead counsel in the case suggested that the dismissal of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charges was a strategy by the district attorney.