September, Friday 20, 2024

Worthing man receives caution from Foreign Office for embarking on Africa's coast-to-coast journey


The UK Foreign Office has advised a man who is running the length of Africa to avoid travelling through Algeria due to safety concerns. Russell Cook, originally from Worthing, West Sussex, had planned to complete 360 marathons in 240 days, but complications with his visas have put the challenge in doubt. The government has warned of the likelihood of terrorist attacks and kidnappings in Algeria. The extreme challenge, which began in South Africa and is set to finish in Tunisia, has been extended due to various issues, including visa problems, health scares, geopolitical difficulties, and an armed robbery. Mr Cook is currently on day 279 of the challenge. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has provided Mr Cook with travel advice, urging him to avoid dangerous areas. However, it is ultimately up to individuals to decide whether to follow this advice, and visa applications are a matter for the issuing country. Mr Cook has expressed concerns about being able to secure permission to cross the border into Algeria from Mauritania. Several Members of Parliament, including Alexander Stafford and Tim Loughton, have offered their support to help him resolve the visa issue. The entire challenge aims to raise funds for The Running Charity and has already raised £144,492.