September, Friday 20, 2024

Qatar expresses strong disapproval of Israel's Netanyahu over reported criticism


Qatar has expressed its disgust at recent remarks made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he deemed Qatar's role as a mediator in the Gaza conflict as "problematic." Israeli TV broadcasted a recording of Netanyahu stating that he does not thank Qatar, claiming they have leverage over Hamas due to their financial support. Qatar, a small Gulf emirate, has maintained high-level contacts with Israel since the 1990s, although diplomatic relations have never been officially established. Qatar has been a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause, hosting political leaders from Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries including Israel. The country has also provided substantial aid to Gaza, which has been subject to a severe blockade since 2006. Israel has allowed Qatar to financially support civil servants, assist impoverished families, and deliver fuel to Gaza's power plant, a policy that has faced criticism within Israel. Netanyahu defended the aid, claiming it dissuades attacks on Israel and prevents a humanitarian disaster. The release of the recording occurred during a period of increased tension between Israel and Gaza following border attacks, with Qatar attempting to broker a ceasefire. Qatar's foreign ministry condemned Netanyahu's remarks as irresponsible and damaging to efforts to save lives, adding that the Israeli leader seemed to be undermining mediation efforts for his own political gain. In response, an Israeli finance minister accused Qatar of supporting and financing terrorism and stated that they would have no involvement in Gaza after the war. Qatar's foreign ministry has not yet responded to these latest comments.