September, Thursday 19, 2024

Police suspect that the individual accused of the Clapham attack had made plans to meet the victim


The police believe that the suspect in the Clapham alkali attack was in a relationship with the injured woman, and the motive for the attack may be due to the breakdown of that relationship. The suspect, Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, 35, is suspected of arranging a meeting with the woman, who is currently in the hospital sedated. The police have updated their information, stating that Ezedi is wanted for attempted murder. Ezedi was last seen on January 31st after carrying out an attack on a mother and her two daughters with corrosive liquid in south London. The Metropolitan Police have called for Ezedi to turn himself in. It has been revealed that Ezedi had been in a relationship with the woman and had arranged to meet her before attacking her with the chemical. The attack took place in a car, where the woman and her two children were assaulted. The victim, a 31-year-old woman, remains in sedated in the hospital and may lose her sight in her right eye due to the attack. The police have released CCTV footage showing Ezedi crossing Vauxhall Bridge and onto Vauxhall Bridge Road just after the attack. Ezedi's injuries are said to be severe and possibly fatal if left untreated, though it is believed he has not sought medical attention. The whereabouts of the suspect are unknown, with several theories suggesting he could have escaped domestically or internationally. The police are working closely with the Afghan community to track down Ezedi, emphasizing the need to combat violence against women and urging anyone with information to come forward. While Ezedi is from the Newcastle area, he is not the father of the injured children, and he was visiting London to see their mother. The attack occurred outside a hotel in Clapham at 7:25 PM on Lessar Avenue. After the attack, Ezedi attempted to flee the scene by crashing into a stationary vehicle and then escaping on foot. Five police officers and four members of the public who tried to help were also injured during the incident.