September, Friday 20, 2024

Black models refuse to participate in Melbourne fashion week due to allegations of racial discrimination


A group of over a dozen black models are boycotting Melbourne Fashion Week (MFW) in order to shed light on the mistreatment they face in the Australian fashion industry. The models have reported instances of racial slurs being used in their presence, derogatory comments about their hair, and being paid less than their white counterparts. While the City of Melbourne claims to be an inclusive fashion destination, the models argue that discrimination is still prevalent. Model Jeffrey Kissubi explains that the boycott aims to draw attention to the broader issues faced by people of color in the industry and improve working conditions. Nyaluak Leth, another model participating in the boycott, believes that it is time for the industry to take accountability and ensure that they truly value cultural acceptance and individuality. The models also stress the need for more diversity in decision-making roles within the fashion industry to ensure inclusivity. While the reaction to the boycott has been positive, there is skepticism about whether genuine change will be implemented.