September, Friday 20, 2024

Major financial institutions associated with products containing parts from pangolins and leopards


Numerous global banking giants have been found to invest in companies that produce traditional Chinese medicines containing parts from leopards and pangolins, both of which are classified as threatened species. The Environmental Investigation Authority (EIA) identified 62 banks and financial institutions that invest in three pharmaceutical groups manufacturing products containing leopard or pangolin parts. The list includes UK firms such as HSBC, Prudential, and Legal & General, as well as global investment firms like Goldman Sachs, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and BlackRock. Leopard and pangolins are listed on the CITES treaty, which prohibits international commercial trade in them and their parts. The three pharmaceutical companies highlighted in the report are Tong Ren Tang group, Tianjin Pharmaceutical group, and Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group. These companies also face criticism for exploiting endangered animals like tigers and rhinos in traditional medicine, despite global efforts to protect these species. The EIA called on the Chinese government to ban the commercial use of these animal parts, and urged the banks and financial institutions to divest from traditional Chinese medicine companies. While some banks denied direct investment, the EIA report states that they invest through passive or tracker funds. The EIA was unable to trace the sourcing of leopard or pangolin derivatives. Several companies approached by the BBC declined to comment.