September, Friday 20, 2024

Unresolved Poisoning Case: Zhu Ling Passes Away Years Later


Zhu Ling, a Chinese woman who fell victim to an unsolved poisoning case in 1994, has passed away at the age of 50. Zhu Ling, a chemistry student at Beijing's Tsinghua University, was poisoned with the highly toxic chemical thallium, resulting in paralysis, near blindness, and brain damage. She relied on 24-hour care from her parents, but no one has been charged in connection with the incident. Although Zhu Ling's classmate and roommate, Sun Wei, was investigated, she was not charged due to insufficient evidence. Sun Wei has consistently maintained her innocence and changed her name. Zhu Ling began experiencing stomach pains and hair loss in late 1994, and months later, she fell into a coma. Doctors later discovered she had been poisoned with thallium, a tasteless and odorless metal that dissolves in water. Reports suggest that Sun Wei had access to this toxic substance, but she claims that other students also had access to it. Zhu Ling's family and supporters have suggested that Sun Wei may have been envious of Zhu Ling's beauty and academic and musical accomplishments. However, Sun Wei has denied any personal animosity between them. In 2013, a petition called on the United States to investigate Sun Wei and have her deported, as she was living there at the time. The petition alleged that Sun Wei's family had significant political connections, and she had both the motive and access to the deadly chemical. The White House responded to the petition by expressing condolences for Zhu Ling's suffering and stating that it would not comment on the request. In the same year, the Beijing Public Security Bureau defended its investigation but acknowledged that due to the passage of time and lack of evidence, the case could not be reopened. Media reports have speculated that Sun Wei was shielded from prosecution because of her grandfather's and another relative's influential positions. Sun Wei clarified that her grandfather had passed away before she was questioned by the police. The police denied claims of external interference and asserted that they had conducted a thorough investigation according to the law.