September, Friday 20, 2024

The War-Born Ukrainian Triplets


Hanna and Andriy Berezynets, a couple from Ukraine, were overjoyed when they discovered they were expecting triplets. However, their happiness was interrupted when war broke out on the day the babies were due. The newborn girls entered the world to the sound of Russian shells falling nearby. Initially, Hanna believed she was pregnant with one baby, but subsequent ultrasounds revealed she was carrying twins, and then triplets. Despite their fears surrounding the war, the couple was thrilled to be welcoming three children at once. Hanna went to the hospital for a planned Caesarean section on February 23, 2022. As rumors of a Russian invasion grew, Hanna received a message from her brother confirming the war had started and urging her to leave Chernihiv. However, she could not leave right away as her operation was scheduled for the next morning. With her husband by her side, Hanna gave birth to Emilia, Olivia, and Melania, just minutes apart. Miraculously, moments after their birth, it was officially announced that Russian military vehicles had entered the region. Chernihiv was subsequently shelled, causing significant damage to the city. Later that evening, Hanna and her newborns were instructed to go to a bomb shelter. Though she had just undergone surgery and was unable to move easily, nurses helped transport the infants to the shelter, where they joined approximately 100 other newborns and their families. The lack of proper facilities in the shelter meant the babies could not be placed in incubators, so the nurses took turns holding them under their clothes to keep them warm. Despite their premature arrival, the girls were healthy, although Olivia needed intensive care. After a week in the shelter, the family moved to the hospital's first floor, with Olivia staying in the intensive care unit. The tense atmosphere in the hospital led to moments of extreme fear, such as when a nearby explosion caused Hanna to fear for her daughters' safety. Ultimately, the family was evacuated to Kyiv with the help of volunteers. They later spent a few months in Slovakia before returning to their hometown. Throughout this challenging time, Hanna's father, Anatolii, provided her with strength and encouragement from the front lines of the war. Tragically, he was killed in January 2023, leaving Hanna devastated. Despite the trials they faced, Hanna and Andriy express their gratitude for the love and happiness their daughters have brought them, though they eagerly await the day their family can be reunited.