September, Friday 20, 2024

Russian TikTok Star Xolidayboy Collapses on Stage After Receiving Military Draft Notice


During a performance in Stavropol, a TikTok star from Russia named Ivan Minayev, also known as Xolidayboy, appeared to collapse on stage after being handed a summons to join the army. The incident occurred shortly after he received the papers at a southern Russian airport. Born in the Crimea city of Sevastopol, which was occupied by Russia in 2014, Minayev reportedly moved to Moscow in 2020. He is known for his unique public image, including wearing makeup and painting his nails, which is uncommon for men in Russia. After collapsing, he was taken to the hospital, but his condition was not reported as serious. Prior to receiving the summons, Minayev had posted "pro-Ukrainian" videos on social media, expressing doubts about the improvement of living conditions in Crimea following its annexation by Russia. Ekaterina Mizulina, the head of Russia's internet censorship body, the Safe Internet League, objected to these videos, as well as those of other celebrities and bloggers with anti-war views. In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Mizulina's organization requested that Russia's media watchdog block various Wikipedia pages containing information about war crimes during the invasion. Xolidayboy's management team accuses Mizulina of using his case to gain publicity for herself.