September, Thursday 19, 2024

The Russian Link to Star of David Graffiti in Paris


French police suspect that a recent graffiti campaign in Paris featuring Star of David stencils may have been orchestrated by Russian intelligence. Around 250 blue Stars of David, similar to the one on the Israeli flag, appeared on buildings in the city and its suburbs over the last 10 days. Initially, French politicians assumed that the signs were anti-Semitic, but investigators noted that the stencils were randomly distributed and had no obvious Jewish connection in terms of the chosen buildings. The message behind the campaign was also confusing, as the blue Israeli flag could be seen as a pro-Jewish sign. This led investigators to believe that it may be a piece of Russian dezinformatsiya (disinformation). Two Moldovan nationals were apprehended and questioned in connection with the initial wave of stencils, and it is suspected that both couples received instructions from the same person. French media outlets have pointed to a pro-Russian businessman from Moldova and suggest that the graffiti operation is linked to a long-standing Russian propaganda network known as Doppelgänger. It was revealed that a photographer accompanied both couples during the stenciling process and immediately uploaded the images online via accounts associated with the Doppelgänger network. The first couple, who are currently awaiting deportation, claimed that they were approached by a man in Paris who overheard them speaking Russian and offered them payment to put up the tags. The second couple managed to leave the country before they could be arrested, and the identity of the photographer(s) remains unknown. Sources familiar with the investigation suggest that this cut-price modus operandi, utilizing low-paid freelance proxies, is typical of modern Russian intelligence. The purpose of the graffiti campaign, known as Operation Star of David, was likely to incite confusion and anxiety, as the symbol could be interpreted as either pro- or anti-Israeli, leading both sides to become suspicious.