September, Thursday 19, 2024

MPs issue warning about women encountering abusers at music industry events


A report by the Women and Equalities Committee warns that the music industry is still a "boys' club" where sexual harassment and abuse are common. The report highlights a "culture of silence" that forces musicians to sit beside sexual abusers at parties and events. It recommends various measures to address misogyny and calls for a shift in the behavior of men in the industry. The government has stated that a safe working environment must be ensured. The report, following an inquiry into misogyny in the music industry, suggests that the problem is endemic and requires urgent action. Testimonies from industry figures, such as former DJ Annie Macmanus and singer Rebecca Ferguson, revealed the scale of sexual assault revelations waiting to be told. The committee also highlighted the non-reporting of harassment and abuse, the undervaluation of female artists, and the struggles they face in being believed when they speak out. The report makes recommendations to amend the Equality Act, improve protections for freelance workers, and impose a duty on employers to protect workers from sexual harassment. It also suggests prohibiting non-disclosure agreements in cases involving abuse or harassment, increasing investment in diverse talent, and improving pathways to careers for women. While a single independent body, the Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority, is welcomed as a step in the right direction, the report cautions that it alone cannot solve all the industry's problems. The committee emphasizes the need for transformative change in the behavior of men within the music industry. The government acknowledges the need for a supportive and safe working environment, and states that it will carefully consider the committee's recommendations.