September, Friday 20, 2024

Bi-2, a Russian anti-war music group, detained in Thailand and now confronted with deportation


A rock band from Russia and Belarus, known for their anti-war views, is facing the threat of deportation back to Russia after touring in Thailand, according to activists. Human Rights Watch has urged the Thai government not to deport the band, called Bi-2, as they claim the band members could face persecution if sent back to Russia. The band was arrested in Phuket, a popular destination for Russian tourists, for performing unauthorized shows. They are currently in detention in Bangkok, with Thai authorities yet to comment on the case publicly. The band's official Facebook page stated that they were found guilty of performing without a permit and have already paid a fine. Supporters of the band believe they have been targeted by Russian authorities. Bi-2 alleged that they were unable to understand the legal process in Thailand due to inadequate translation services. While some members hold dual citizenship with Australia and Israel, others only have Russian citizenship and could be sent back to Russia. Russian authorities have not commented on the band's situation or expressed any desire for their deportation. However, the band has previously been criticized by Russian lawmakers for their anti-Russian stance. Thailand has recently experienced a large influx of Russian tourists, many of whom have fled Russia to evade conscription in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. If the Thai authorities choose to deport Bi-2 back to Russia where they face danger and persecution, it would mark the first case of forced return under Prime Minister Sretta's government, which has promised to adhere to human rights principles. It would also violate Thai domestic law and international obligations banning torture and enforced disappearances, as Bangkok is a signatory to the UN Convention against torture.