September, Thursday 19, 2024

Migrant women discovered in truck in France likely to be deported


A French prosecutor has stated that four out of six women who were rescued from the back of a lorry in France have been instructed to leave the country within 30 days. The group of Vietnamese and Iraqi women were found by police after boarding the lorry, believing it was heading to the UK. It is unclear which four of the women will be deported, while the other two have been allowed to stay in France while their asylum requests are being processed. The women had boarded the lorry thinking it would transport them to England, but it was actually delivering bananas to Dunkirk before heading to Italy. When the women realized the lorry had changed direction by checking their phone locations, they panicked and struggled to breathe. One of the women managed to contact a BBC journalist, who alerted French authorities. The driver of the lorry also suspected that people might be inside the trailer after hearing voices and called the police. Upon investigation, the authorities found all six women in the refrigerated trailer. Despite the 6°C (42°F) temperature inside, the women were reported to be in good health. The driver, who had initially been arrested, is not considered a suspect in any crime.