September, Friday 20, 2024

Woman who attacked Chipotle employee given compulsory fast food employment for two months


A woman from Ohio was convicted of assault and faced jail time after throwing a burrito bowl at a Chipotle worker. However, in an unusual turn of events, the judge offered her a chance to reduce her sentence by working at a fast-food job for two months. The incident, which was caught on video and went viral, showed the woman screaming at the employee before hurling her food at them. Initially, she was supposed to pay a fine and serve 180 days in jail, with 90 days suspended. But the judge came up with a different solution, stating that her behavior was unacceptable. He offered her the opportunity to cut off 60 days from her sentence if she agreed to work at least 20 hours per week at a fast-food restaurant. The woman accepted the offer. During the court proceedings, she apologized and tried to justify her actions by mentioning the poor quality of the food she had received. However, the judge responded with a quip about the quality of food she would receive in jail. The Chipotle worker affected by the incident stated that she had quit her job and suffered trauma as a result. A crowdfunding campaign was also started to support her, raising a substantial amount of money.