September, Friday 20, 2024

Woman receives £37,000 compensation after employer disregards menopause-related issues


A woman named Karen Farquharson, who worked as an office manager, has been awarded a £37,000 settlement after her boss accused her of using the menopause as an "excuse for everything." Despite experiencing symptoms and being ill, Ms. Farquharson claims she was told by her boss, Jim Clark, the managing director of Thistle Marine, to "just get on with it." The employment tribunal heard that Mr. Clark dismissed her symptoms as "aches and pains" and referred to employees who were off sick as "snowflakes." As a result, Ms. Farquharson resigned due to the unfair treatment and harassment she faced. She successfully sued Thistle Marine for unfair dismissal. Ms. Farquharson, who had worked for the company for 27 years, described Mr. Clark as a "dinosaur" who failed to adapt to changes in the modern workplace. The tribunal also heard that Mr. Clark accused Ms. Farquharson of not showing up to work and had a particular dislike of people who were absent. In August 2021, Ms. Farquharson informed her employers about her menopause symptoms and underwent a private assessment paid for by the company. She experienced symptoms such as bleeding, anxiety, a loss of concentration, and brain fog. In December 2022, she worked from home for two days due to heavy snow and menopausal bleeding. When she arrived at work the next day, Mr. Clark made sarcastic comments about her being late and mentioned her menopausal bleeding. He later dismissed her symptoms, stating that everyone experiences "aches and pains." Upset by his reaction, Ms. Farquharson confronted him and eventually filed a grievance against the company. She later discovered that her remote access to the company accounts system was revoked and ultimately resigned. During the tribunal, Mr. Clark claimed his remarks were innocent and suggested that Ms. Farquharson engineered her resignation for financial gain. Thistle Marine's lawyers disputed Ms. Farquharson's evidence, stating it was contradictory and unsatisfactory. However, the panel chaired by Judge James Hendry upheld Ms. Farquharson's claims and concluded that Mr. Clark's comments violated her dignity. Ms. Farquharson, who now works in accounts at another firm, described the ordeal and tribunal as extremely stressful and damaging to her self-confidence. Despite winning the case, she still experiences anxiety and disbelief at what occurred, considering it the worst experience of her life.