September, Thursday 19, 2024

Woman Detained for Carrying 130 Deadly Frogs in Her Suitcase


A woman has been charged with wildlife trafficking after she was caught with 130 poisonous frogs in her luggage at Bogotá airport in Colombia. The animals were discovered in small film canisters and were found to be dehydrated and stressed. The woman, who was traveling to São Paulo via Panama, claimed that she had received the frogs as a gift from a local community in southern Colombia. It was revealed by local police that these amphibians can be sold for up to $1,000 each. The fine for possession of one of these frogs can reach up to $14,300. Harlequin frogs, also known as poison-dart frogs, are critically endangered and are found in humid forests along the Pacific coast between Ecuador and Colombia, as well as in other countries in Central and South America. Their endangered status has made them highly sought-after by private collectors in international markets. Wildlife trafficking is a common issue in Colombia and across Latin America, with amphibians, small mammals, and marine animal parts being particularly popular among traffickers.