September, Friday 20, 2024

Ukrainians facing prolonged Russian invasion: Struggling amidst the toll of warfare


Journalist Fergal Keane revisits Lviv station in Ukraine, where he witnessed the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, caused by the Russian invasion in 2022. Keane explores how the ongoing war has impacted the people of Ukraine through the stories of two individuals. In the military cemetery at the Field of Mars in Lviv, Keane hears the rage of a middle-aged man shouting "Death to the enemy" between the rows of graves. Despite the constant funerals and war-related activities, the station has settled into a state of weariness. Keane meets Natasha Ambarova, a doctor and mother who has lost contact with her Russian family due to their support for Putin's war. Natasha, who is now teaching medicine at Lviv University, expresses her desire to fight and protect her children. Keane also encounters Volodymyr Moisei, a chaplain who delivers gifts to children living in front-line areas and shares the story of Andriy, a former foster child who died trying to protect his village from Chechen forces. Despite the danger, many families refuse to leave their homes. Through these personal accounts, Keane highlights the resilience and generosity of spirit among the Ukrainian people amidst the ongoing war.