September, Friday 20, 2024

Vladimir Putin's New Year Speech Lacks Significant Acknowledgement of Ukraine


Russian President Vladimir Putin used his annual New Year address to rally support for his military, but did not explicitly mention the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He praised the soldiers as heroes who are fighting for truth and justice, while also addressing economic concerns and declaring 2024 as the "year of the family." Unlike previous years where Putin delivered his speech alongside soldiers, this year he was alone in the traditional backdrop of the Kremlin. While he did not directly mention the casualties in the war with Ukraine, he emphasized Russia's unity and determination to solve difficult problems. The pre-recorded address was broadcast on state television across all of Russia's time zones and is a highly anticipated event watched by millions. Putin's announcement in early December that he will run for a fifth term in office has led to beliefs that his victory in the upcoming elections is inevitable, given the lack of opposition and control over Russian media.