September, Friday 20, 2024

Cambodian Youth Advised to Steer Clear of Unacceptable Activities on Valentine's Day


Authorities in Cambodia have issued warnings to young people about the dangers of premarital sex on Valentine's Day. The education ministry has urged schools to prevent inappropriate activities on the occasion, stating that it is not a part of the Khmer nationality's tradition. Premarital sex is considered taboo in Cambodia, especially for women. While Valentine's Day has become popular among the younger generation in the country, it is viewed as a foreign celebration that undermines Cambodia's Buddhist culture by more socially conservative individuals. The Chbab Srey, which outlines expected behavior for women and girls, emphasizes the importance of virtue and domesticity. The ministries of women's affairs and culture have joined the calls for couples to celebrate the day in line with Khmer tradition for the sake of their honor and dignity. The National AIDS Authority has also urged people to refrain from engaging in sexual activity and instead celebrate their love for family and friends. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, India, and Pakistan, have also faced controversy surrounding Valentine's Day celebrations in the past.