September, Friday 20, 2024

US House prepares to hold vote on implementing official Biden impeachment inquiry


The US House of Representatives, led by Republicans, is set to vote on a resolution to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Republicans argue that this resolution will grant them more authority to gather evidence and enforce legal demands. Three Republican-led House committees have accused Biden of bribery and corruption during his time as vice-president. However, Biden denies any wrongdoing, and these committees have yet to present any evidence. Democrats have criticized the impeachment resolution as a political stunt. Amidst the debate, Democratic representatives expressed frustration, questioning the purpose of the investigation. Republican representatives, on the other hand, claimed they had no other option but to bring the vote forward, lamenting the "stonewalling" of the impeachment inquiry by the White House. The impeachment inquiry was launched by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who alleged a "culture of corruption" surrounding Biden. So far, Republicans have only held one hearing related to the inquiry, where two expert witnesses called by Republicans stated that there was insufficient evidence to impeach the president. The oversight committee involved in the probe has claimed that the Biden family and their business associates received over $24 million from foreign sources between 2014 and 2019. The White House has dismissed the impeachment inquiry as a baseless stunt and an abuse of power by House Republicans.