September, Thursday 19, 2024

US Evangelicals Play a Key Role in Garnering Republican Support for Israel


Republican support for Israel has been almost unanimous following the attack by Hamas on 7 October. Conservatives argue that the US is supporting a close ally, defending the region's only democracy, and sending a message that terrorism against civilians will not be tolerated. However, evangelical conservatives within the Republican party have a deep connection to Israel rooted in their religious beliefs. Many evangelicals believe that the Jewish people are God's chosen people and that the establishment of the modern state of Israel fulfills biblical prophecy. These beliefs have influenced Republican politicians like the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, who has strong evangelical ties. Democrats, on the other hand, are divided on the issue, with some calling attention to Palestinian civilian casualties and criticizing Israel's military campaign. The influence of evangelical leader John Hagee, who was invited to speak at a march in support of Israel, helps explain why Republicans treat Israel differently. Hagee's controversial views, such as his belief that the Holocaust was part of God's plan, have caused controversy in the past. Overall, the interests of Israel, Republicans, and evangelicals are aligned at the moment, but there is dissent on the right regarding continued US support for other international conflicts.