September, Friday 20, 2024

Biden poised to secure victory in South Carolina Democratic primary in US elections


According to CBS, US President Joe Biden is projected to win the Democratic primary in South Carolina. In response, President Biden vowed to make Republican Donald Trump a "loser." This primary marks the first official Democratic party contest leading up to the presidential election this year. With little competition for the nomination, President Biden is expected to secure a significant victory in South Carolina. In his speech, he expressed gratitude to the state's voters for their support during his 2020 campaign and stated that they have set him on the path to winning the presidency again. Initial figures indicate that Biden will receive all 55 pledged delegates in the primary, winning over 90% of the counted votes so far. Other Democratic candidates Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips received only 2% of the votes each. South Carolina's significant black population played a crucial role in securing Biden's nomination in 2020, and he acknowledged their support, stating, "You're the reason I'm president." Biden announced his intention to run for re-election in 2024 in April 2023, emphasizing the importance of finishing what he started. He also pushed for South Carolina to be the first state to vote in the nomination process, aiming to reflect the diversity of the Democratic Party.