September, Thursday 19, 2024

Terminal cancer patient in the US fulfills final wish, eliminating $16m worth of individuals' medical debt.


A woman named Casey McIntyre from New York City passed away from ovarian cancer, but before her death, she managed to raise enough money to pay off millions of dollars in medical debts for other individuals. In a social media post that was scheduled to be published after her passing, McIntyre asked her followers to make donations to her cause. She expressed her intention to pay off the medical debts of others as a way of celebrating her life. McIntyre mentioned that she was aware of the deep love she received from her loved ones and wanted to give back. She recognized that she had access to excellent medical care during her battle with stage four ovarian cancer and wished for others to have the same opportunity. Through her campaign with the non-profit organization RIP Medical Debt, McIntyre and her family managed to raise over $160,000. This means that they were able to eliminate $16 million in unpaid medical bills, as the organization pays off medical debt at a rate of one dollar for every penny donated. It is estimated that around 100 million Americans face medical debt, highlighting the significance of this issue. In the social media post announcing her passing, McIntyre's family shared the news of a memorial service and "debt jubilee" that will take place in December at New York City's Prospect Park. During this event, they will anonymously purchase and forgive the medical debt of others as a way to honor McIntyre's life. McIntyre, who worked as a book publisher, initiated her treatment for ovarian cancer in 2019 and left behind her husband and 18-month-old daughter. As mentioned in her post, she spent her final five months in hospice care, cherishing precious moments with her loved ones in Virginia, Rhode Island, and New York. McIntyre's husband, Andrew Rose Gregory, shared a heartfelt message on social media, expressing his love for her and mentioning that she will forever be missed but will always remain present in their lives.