September, Friday 20, 2024

The Chronology of Expulsions from the US House: Uncovering Corruption, Bribery, and Treachery


Congressman George Santos, a Republican from New York, is facing potential expulsion from the US House of Representatives following a damning report by the Ethics Committee detailing corruption and fraud. If the resolution to expel Santos is approved by the House, it would only be the sixth time in history that a member of Congress has been expelled. Typically, politicians facing such allegations tend to resign before facing expulsion. However, Santos is known for being particularly stubborn. The most recent expulsion occurred in 2002 when Democrat Jim Traficant was forced out of Congress due to bribery and racketeering charges. Traficant even ran for office while in prison. The only other modern case of expulsion happened in 1980 when Democratic congressman Michael Myers was caught on tape accepting a bribe. If Santos is expelled, a special election will be held to fill his seat.