September, Friday 20, 2024

Beer Factory Employee Relieves Himself in Tank Following Dispute


Recently, a video surfaced online showing a Chinese worker urinating into a tank used to store ingredients for Tsingtao beer, one of China's most popular beer brands. The incident occurred after the worker had an argument with a colleague. The video quickly went viral on social media, gaining millions of views. Authorities from the city of Pingdu, where the factory is located, detained the worker following an investigation. It was revealed that the worker, identified as Mr. Cui, was helping to unload malt containers from a truck when the argument took place. In the midst of the dispute, Mr. Cui climbed into an empty container and urinated, which was captured on camera by the truck driver who later posted the video on Douyin, China's version of TikTok. Tsingtao, in a statement on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo, stated that the worker had been placed in administrative detention for property damage. Administrative detention is a penalty imposed by the police without judicial oversight and typically involves a detention period of five to 15 days, along with a warning and a fine. The brewery clarified that the worker was not a direct employee of Tsingtao but instead worked for a company providing outsourcing services. Tsingtao also assured their customers that they have implemented additional measures to strengthen quality control and intensify monitoring of employee conduct to prevent such incidents in the future. They pledged to address any perceived loopholes in the management of raw material transportation. As a precautionary measure, the affected malt batches have been sealed and will not be used in production.