September, Friday 20, 2024

Lara Trump receives endorsement from Donald Trump for RNC leadership


Donald Trump, the former US president, has expressed his support for Lara Trump, his daughter-in-law, to become the head of the Republican National Committee (RNC). This endorsement, along with his backing of Michael Whatley, chair of North Carolina's Republican party, comes following reports of his dissatisfaction with the current leadership of the RNC. The committee would hold a vote for new leadership if the current chair, Ronna McDaniel, decides to step down from her position. There are speculations that McDaniel might leave her post after the South Carolina Republican primary scheduled for February 24th. The RNC primarily focuses on fundraising for the Republican party and mobilizing Republican voters. As the leading candidate for the party in this year's election, Trump's endorsement is expected to carry some influence among RNC members. Mr. Trump commended Whatley's work in North Carolina and his dedication to "election integrity," despite his promotion of baseless claims of election fraud in the 2020 election. For the role of RNC co-chair, Trump supports his daughter-in-law Lara Trump, citing her effective communication skills and dedication to the ideals of "Make America Great Again" (MAGA). Lara Trump has previously collaborated with the RNC and is known for her fundraising abilities. Party rules dictate that there must be one male and one female in the top positions of the RNC. Trump has also expressed his desire for Chris LaCivita, the co-manager of his current presidential campaign, to take on the role of RNC's chief operating officer. However, if LaCivita assumes this role, he will still maintain his position as co-campaign manager for Trump. Although Trump's endorsements hold weight, they have not always led to success. Whatley failed to become co-chair in 2023, despite Trump's previous support. Trump's push for leadership changes in the RNC stems from disagreements between him and McDaniel regarding the Republican primary debates leading up to this year's elections. Trump has refused to participate in any of these debates and reportedly urged McDaniel to cancel them altogether, a request she declined. Moreover, McDaniel has faced criticism for the party's disappointing election results and lackluster fundraising. Initially, she was expected to remain in her role until 2025, but rumors of her possible resignation emerged after her meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago last week. During this meeting, she assured him that she would act in the best interests of the party, including stepping down if necessary. When asked about McDaniel's potential resignation, Trump implied that she understood that it might be necessary.