September, Friday 20, 2024

Declan McKenna: Embracing Lightheartedness and Letting Go of Seriousness


Declan McKenna's third album, What Happened To The Beach, marks a departure from the weighty topics he tackled in his previous work. Known for ripping lyrics from the headlines, McKenna decided to embrace sonic invention and lyrical playfulness in this album. The album was created during the first wave of the Covid pandemic, with McKenna recording in his sister's bedroom turned studio. This return to his roots allowed him to rediscover the joy of making music for fun. The album features satirical lyrics with nonspecific meanings, showcasing McKenna's playful and imaginative style. Working with producer Gianluca Buccellati in Brighton and Los Angeles, McKenna explores the desire for escapism and reflects on the pressures of modern life. The album received positive reviews and McKenna hopes to create his own unique corner in the music world.