September, Friday 20, 2024

Tourists Cause Car Jam in Narrow Tenby Footpath with Sat-Nav


A car got stuck in a narrow footpath in the coastal town of Tenby, Pembrokeshire for a whole week after two tourists mistakenly followed their sat-nav. The driver of a new Nissan Juke managed to squeeze the vehicle through a small gap near the RNLI station before abandoning it to take a train to their hotel. The American women blamed the sat-nav for their misadventure. Stephen Lowe, a mechanic who assisted in removing the car, stated that nobody had ever attempted to drive a vehicle down that footpath before. The tourists were trying to reach St Catherine's Island, located at the bottom of a nearby beach. However, they eventually reached a point where they could go no further due to a protected Victorian heritage wall. The extraction process proved challenging as the car was wedged tightly between the walls. Lowe and his colleagues devised a plan to use a winch at the top of the path to pull the car out slowly. They had to clear the footpath of mud to provide traction for the car's wheels. The operation lasted over four and a half hours and concluded on Friday. Lowe mentioned that the tourists even considered cutting up the car and scrapping it due to the difficulty involved in freeing it. Notably, the car was brand new.