September, Friday 20, 2024

Leading GOP Official Raises Alarm over Significant National Security Risk


The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Republican Mike Turner, has issued a vague warning about a significant national security threat facing the United States. Turner has called on President Joe Biden to declassify the threat, but no further details have been provided. The White House has stated that the threat is not imminent, but congressional leaders will be briefed on the matter this week. Lawmakers have until Friday to review the intelligence related to the threat. In a statement posted on Twitter, Turner mentioned that the committee has shared information about a serious national security threat with all members of Congress. Turner has requested President Biden to declassify all information so that Congress, the administration, and allies can openly discuss the necessary actions to respond to this threat. A memo sent to members of the House of Representatives revealed that the "urgent matter" pertains to a destabilizing foreign military capability. Lawmakers can access the intelligence in a secure facility within the US Capitol complex until February 16th. Despite the seriousness of the situation, top Democrats have urged people not to panic. House Speaker Mike Johnson emphasized that there is no need for public alarm. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan offered to personally brief the "Gang of Eight," which includes House and Senate leaders from both parties and the top lawmakers on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. A briefing for the House members of the group, including Turner and Johnson, was scheduled for February 15th. Sullivan expressed surprise at Turner's public announcement before their planned meeting and stated that he couldn't provide further details at the moment. However, Sullivan reassured that the Biden administration is focused on protecting national security. He acknowledged that there are various threats and challenges that the US faces daily, including terrorism and state actors, and they must be dealt with accordingly.