September, Friday 20, 2024

Ethiopian Timket Festival: Participants joyfully plunge into the sacred pool


The Ethiopian Orthodox Christian festival of Timket has been celebrated in the holy city of Gondar, marking the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. This festival holds great religious significance in Ethiopia. However, due to recent violent clashes between local militias and government troops in the Amhara region, celebrations have been more subdued this year. Despite the conflict, festivities have continued with armed police guarding the events. The main event on Saturday involved hundreds of young people getting baptized in a pool in front of one of Gondar's fortresses. On Friday, choirs escorted replicas of the Ark of Covenant, containing the "Ten Commandments", through the streets. These tabots were then carried by priests into one of Gondar's fortresses, where they will be kept until the end of the festivities.