September, Thursday 19, 2024

Migrant Crossings Persist as Channel Smugglers Adapt to Changing Tide


Border officials in the UK and France are pleased with the significant decrease in the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats this year. Compared to 2022, official figures show a reduction of over a third. The UK has provided funding to double the number of French police patrolling the border, along with other measures such as drones. However, despite the decrease, tens of thousands of migrants are still waiting to attempt the dangerous journey. This article tells the story of a 17-year-old Iraqi girl named Faisa and her family who attempted to cross the Channel. It highlights the efforts of law enforcement to prevent these crossings, but also raises questions about the underlying factors driving migration and the need for safe and legal pathways for migrants to enter the UK. The article concludes with the personal story of Faisa, who remains uncertain about her future and the possibility of attempting the crossing again.