September, Friday 20, 2024

Israeli Witness Recounts Festival Attack: Gunmen Targeted Trees One-by-One


Gili Yoskovich was attending a dance music festival near the Gaza Strip when gunmen launched an attack on Israel. She described hiding under a tree in a field as the gunmen shot indiscriminately. Yoskovich witnessed the terrorists moving from car to car and shooting at anyone they encountered. She made the decision to run to another hiding place, but realized it was unsafe. Yoskovich eventually found refuge in a field surrounded by pomelo trees, while the gunmen continued to shoot at people around her. She remained quiet and tried to stay calm while the gunmen searched the area. Yoskovich hoped that the military would come to save them, but only heard helicopters in the distance. She listened to the terrorists talking in Arabic and tried to protect herself by hiding under the tree. After three hours, she heard soldiers speaking in Hebrew and decided to approach them with her hands up, indicating she was not a threat. Yoskovich was eventually helped into a car and was the first one to escape the field. It took several more hours for others to reach safety, and many people lost their lives during the attack. Yoskovich questioned why there was a delay in military or police intervention during such a prolonged and devastating event.