September, Friday 20, 2024

Meet the exceptionally skilled Nigerian professor earning a higher income through welding


Kabir Abu Bilal is a university professor in Nigeria who also works as a welder in the city of Zaria. Despite welding being considered a lower-status job in the country, Bilal has opened his own welding workshop, shocking many, including his colleagues. He proudly states that he is not ashamed of being a welder and actually makes more money from it than his teaching job. Bilal has been working at Ahmadu Bello University for 18 years and has published books on physics and electrical engineering. His colleague, Prof Yusuf Jubril, commends Bilal for his unconventional career choice, hoping that others will learn from his example. Bilal believes that people, especially graduates, should have a more open-minded approach to their career paths. In Nigeria, where over 40% of graduates struggle to find employment, Bilal's story resonates. He opened a small welding workshop in Zaria two decades ago, which has since expanded due to the demand in the university town. Bilal takes on all jobs, big or small, and is satisfied with being able to use his practical skills while also improving his financial situation. His interest in engineering stemmed from a childhood passion for dismantling and reassembling gadgets. Bilal hopes to inspire others to consider similar job opportunities. He currently has 10 apprentices, aged 12 to 20, whom he is teaching the trade. When Bilal is away at the university, the apprentices take care of the workshop. Once they have gained enough skills, they can venture out and start their own businesses. Bilal is proud to contribute to their training and provides them with a monthly stipend and daily food allowance. He also involves his own children in his workshop, hoping to show them the value of practical work. Ultimately, Bilal feels fulfilled with his dual career, as he is able to impart knowledge both through teaching and welding.