September, Friday 20, 2024

Warning Issued to Tesla Owners Against Wearing Apple VR Headsets During Driving


Videos of Tesla drivers wearing Apple's virtual reality headset have gone viral, prompting a reminder to keep their eyes on the road. US Secretary for Transport Pete Buttigieg emphasized that drivers must be engaged and in control of their vehicles at all times. However, one driver admitted that his video was a prank. Tesla and Apple have been contacted for comment on the issue. The videos show individuals in cars that have autonomous mode, wearing the Apple headset over their eyes. Buttigieg reposted one video, underscoring the need for drivers to be fully engaged while behind the wheel. Another video showed a man apparently getting pulled over by the police while wearing the headset in a Tesla, but he later clarified that it was a skit. Apple's user guide advises against using the headset while driving, while Tesla emphasizes maintaining control and responsibility even in autonomous mode. The Apple Vision Pro headset was released in the US with a price tag of $3,499, but no release date has been announced for the UK. However, using the headset while driving severely restricts vision, as users can only see through the glass in certain modes. Apple has refrained from labeling it as virtual reality, instead referring to it as "spatial computing." The company cautions developers not to describe the experience as augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, or mixed reality. Videos have also surfaced of people wearing the headset on the New York subway and at the gym.